
Tips: Use VRM Animation

This feature is available in v3.4.0 and later version of VMagicMirror.

You can use VRM Animation (VRMA) file to apply customized motion to your avatar, similar to Custom Motion referred at Use Custom Motion page.


This feature is experimental, and has some restrictions. Note that VRMA’s specification might change by future updates. You should keep to use Custom Motion feature if you want to avoid update-related issues.

1. Target and Limitation

  • v3.4.0: supports VRMA in Expressions feature.
  • v3.5.0~: supports VRMA with Game Input feature.
  • v3.7.0~: supports loop motion.

Note that Expresssion feature and Game Input feature run loop motion differently. See detail at each section in this page.

There are some limitations:

  • Facial expression animations are not applied, even when VRMA file has them.
  • In Expresion feature, Hips bone’s position is constrained to keep its position. This might lead odd behavior if the VRMA is jump or crouch motion etc.
  • The appearance may be odd for the motion with large yaw-angle change, like 360deg turn motion.

2. How to prepare VRM Animation (.vrma) file

There are several ways to get VRMA files.

  • By AnimationClipToVrmaSample project, you can convert Humanoid AnimationClip data in Unity project to .vrma file. See detail in the repository (, though repository is JP based).
  • UniVRM 0.114.0 and later version has feature to convert BVH file to .vrma files. Note that this convert process cannot maintain fingers’ motion.
  • VRoid News refers to their published VRMA in BOOTH, and other some apps to get VRMA data.

3. Setup file

Before starting VMagicMirror, put VRMA file(.vrma) at (My Document)\VMagicMirror_Files\Motions folder.

If Motions folder does not exist, create new one.

Loop motion files will be ignored when Motions folder contains same named file. Please confirm that loop motion files have unique name.


The folder is same as referred in Use Custom Motion. VMagicMirror classify them based on the file extension.

If Motions folder and Loop folder have same-named .vrma file, loop folder’s motion will be ignored.

4. Setup for Game Input Feature

Start VMagicMirror and open settings about Game Input.

Then, specify how to run the motion for each input way.

  • Button, Mouse Click: Select motion to play from dropdown list.
  • Keyboard: Assign key to each VRMA file.

Loop motion and non-loop motions runs like below. Loop motion would be suited for short-timed repeated motion.

  • Non-loop motion will be played once from begin to end, and you cannot abort the motion.
  • Loop motion continues to run while pressing assigned key or button. When the key or button is released, then the motion will stop.

5. Use in Expressions Feature

Start VMagicMirror, and edit item accoring to Expressions page.

In motion selection UI, select Custom Motion and choose the motion.

After the selection you can use the motion same way as built-in motion.


When the motion is not in the list or not played, then VRMA file has some unexpected content.

In this case,

  • Confirm that VRMA file contains human body motion adta.
  • Use UniVRM sample project to test whether the VRMA file works correctly.
  • If the data is by third-party, please consider to contact them.。

Loop motion and non-loop motions runs like below.

  • Non-loop motion will be played once from begin to end, and you can interrupt motion by starting another motion.
  • Loop motion continues to run unless starting another motion.

Note that you need to run another motion to stop loop motion.

v3.7.0 and later version has Reset motion for this purpose.